Facial Plastic Surgery Experts
Visualize a naturally rejuvenated face. Yours.
From facelifts and necklifts to subtle changes in facial fat distribution with fat grafting, with everything in between such as rhinoplasty, upper and lower blepharoplasty and liplift, success in facial plastic surgery comes from a minimalistic approach guided by a thorough artistic analysis of the face and proportions.
Deep plane Facelift - Necklift - The rewind button
Blepharoplasty and peri-orbital rejuvenation - The refresh
Facial volume restauration - Lipofilling with micro or nanofat
Perioral rejuvenation - Lip lift - Bullhorn lip lift
Structural Rhinoplasty - The stable construct
Hyaluronic acid filler injections
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery
Breasts were often considered the epitome of femininity. No matter the shape or size.
Enhancing, rejuvenating or reconstructing breasts make up a considerable pillar of plastic surgery.
Focusing on breasts proportion ideals and a natural look constitute the bylaws of our practice.
Breast augmentation - The Implant Way vs. The Fat Way
Mastopexy - The Nip Tuck
Mastopexy-Augmentation - Best of both worlds
Breast Reduction - Lighten up
Breast cancer reconstruction - with own tissues
Latissimus dorsi Flap
Breast cancer reconstruction - with implants
Nipple-areola reconstruction - Tissue flap and tattoos